Join Today!

There are a lot of ways that musicians are vulnerable. Don’t let it happen to you. Join Local 56 or contact us to learn how you can be protected along with the many other benefits of being a professional union musician!

To join:

Step 1: Download an application here, complete it, and mail it to us or email it to along with a check or money order for Initiation Fees plus at least one quarter Membership Dues to the address below. If you want to pay online, mail the application separately and go to step 2 to pay.

 Step 2: The one-time Initiation Fee of $95.00 ($65 for the AFM; $30 for Local 56) is waived during our Membership Drive (through July 30, 2024). Membership Dues are $43.50 per quarter or $156.00 for the entire year. Initiation Fees are waived for all students or anyone under age 21. To pay online, click here.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Grand Rapids Federation of Musicians
233 Fulton St. E #Suite 210 G
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
